After acting on component, we may execute another action on a different component immediately, just like running trigger in database.
To use trigger, follow the two steps.
Step 1, Define a New Attribute, nextpages in
__PACKAGE__->setup_accessors( nextpages => { action => [ PAGE, PAGE, ... ], action => [ PAGE, PAGE, ... ], ... }, insert_pars => [...], ... }
Where action is the class method that would trigger other models; PAGE is a hash ref defined in call_once and call_nextpage in Section 2.1:
{ model => STRING, action => STRING, relate_item => {this_field=>other_field, this_field=>other_field, ...}, manual => {field=>value, field=>value, ...} }
As you could see, one action could trigger multiple models.
Step 2, Return process_after
The inherited RESTful verbs have always triggers enabled, as soon as a verb is defined in nextpages. To have trigger for your own class method, return the method process_after:
return $self->process_after(action, extra);
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where action is a method name, usually the current method. process_after will simply look at nextpages, and run call_once or call_nextpage accordingly.
After a successful run, relevant data fields will be collected into $self->{LISTS} and $self->{OTHER}.
A proper use of trigger could minimize redundant codes, keep better programming logic, and take advantages of built-in pagination and row-level-security.