Query Names and Pagination

These are names for the query variables that client use to send as queries. For example sortby is the variable that controls how the returned data are sorted. A topics request with sortby=firstname will expected the data sorted by customer’s first name.

For topics

  • sortyby: default “sortby”, to define which field would be used for sorting the return data.
  • sortreverse: default “sortreverse”, to define if the sorting is reversed.
  • fields: default “fields”, to ask for specific columns’ values in the table.



If rowcount is found in the topics request, Genelet will turn on pagination and display searched results in pages:

  • rowcount: default “rowcount”, to define how many record in each page
  • totalno: default “totalno”, to tell how many records totally in the table
  • pageno : default “pageno”, to search specific page by number
  • maxpageno: default “maxpageno”, to tell the total pages in the table.

This variable should be setup in component.json for pagination:

  • total_force: to decide if the total number of records should be calculated. Default 0, means no calculation.


The web flow of running pagination is:

  1. Sending a request with rowcount=20 , or manually adding it in Filter, will turn on pagination.
  2. If no pageno is sent, pageno=1 will be assumed as the default.
  3. If total_force=1 in the model, the total number of rows and the total number of pages, totalno and maxpageno respectively, will be calculated for pageno=1.
  4. Use pageno=2 for the second page, and so on.
  5. sortby should be specifically defined, since the order of rows returned would depend on how they are sorted.
  6. If totalno is constantly changing in real-time, you should arrange pagination in such a way that the first page, case 2 above, could be clicked often, so as to refresh totalno and maxpageno.