Genelet uses JSON to define site and object properties. The website-level properties are defined in config.json under conf or WEB-INF, including variable names, database settings, logs, templates and error codes etc. Parameters in handling API, authentication and email etc. are also defined in config.json.
Genelet will dispatch each request to individual object (called component) to process, which consists of a Model class, a Controller class and some views. The properties of component are defined in component.json.
If you run the help command, a simple config.json will be generated. It looks like this:
{ "Document_root": "/home/user1/myproject/www", "Project_name": "myproject", "Script_name": "/verson01", "Template": "/home/user1/myproject/views", "Uploaddir": "/home/user1/myproject/views/videos", "Pubrole": "public", "Secret":"aaaaaaaaaa111111111", "Chartags": { "html": { "Content_type": "text/html; charset=UTF-8", "Short": "html" }, "json": { "Content_type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8", "Short": "json", "Challenge": "challenge", "Logged": "logged", "Logout": "logout", "Failed": "failed", "Case": 1 } }, "Db": ["mysql", "dbuser:1234@/dbname"], "Roles": { "admin" : { "Id_name" : "login", "Is_admin" : true, "Attributes" : ["login","provider"], "Type_id" : 1, "Surface" : "cadmin", "Duration" : 86400, "Max_age" : 86400, "Secret" : "aaaaaaaaaabbbbb", "Coding" : "111111111111222", "Logout" : "/", "Issuers" : { "plain" : { "Drfault" : true, "Credential" : ["login", "passwd"], "Provider_pars": {"Def_login":"hello", "Def_password":"world"} } } } } }
Continue on General Properties